Addingham Primary School

  1. Governors


The Governing Body of Addingham Primary School reconstituted in February 2015.


We have 10 members of the Governing Body.


Complaints/Compliments Procedure

If parents wish to speak to our Chair of Governors, a member of the Governing Body or the Headteacher please make an appointment through the school office email,

The Governing Body shall consist of:

Parent Governors

Sonia Stirling 

Tom Wade

Pete Mullen 

Local Authority Governor

Andy Phillips 


 Linda Spinks

Staff Governors

Joelle Monkman

Lorna Field 

Co-opted Governors

Anna Robinson (Chair of Governors). If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors, please do so via the school office email address  and mark it for the attention of Anna Robinson, Chair of Governors. 

Luke Lambert

Joel Griffiths

Governors who have left in the last 12 months

Paul Jennings & Alan Blighe