Addingham Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome


Addingham Primary School is a one form entry school with highly skilled and experienced staff who are dedicated to the education and care of all the children in our school.  Our children make excellent progress in all areas of learning and leave school feeling proud of their accomplishments. 

We are lucky to have a huge amount of space both inside our spacious classrooms and within our extensive grounds, located at the heart of Addingham. We have a pond, bird hide, playing fields, sports courts, playground equipment, garden and stunning views in our quiet corner of the village which we access daily.

Addingham is a village with a very supportive community, our school benefits from the neighbours who come in to share the wealth of knowledge, breadth of passions and jobs enhancing our learning and experiences. We also have access to all that Ilkley has to offer with sporting opportunities such as cross-country teams and football where all children have the opportunity to trial different sports and compete competitively.

Music flows through our school with specialist music teachers who help children to access and enjoy music through instrument lessons and singing, we put on incredible productions where children shine while performing for their families and friends. 

Our Philosophy of Education is based on the principles of ‘Growth Mindset Learning’ (C. Dweck Ph.D). Every learner at Addingham Primary School – child, member of staff and governor – is here to Grow their own Brains! 

Working closely with governors, staff and parents we strive to ensure that all children learn through a creative and exciting curriculum with our mission statement 'putting children first' at the heart of everything we do.

We are very proud of our school and hope that you get a feel of how special it is by looking through our website.

Linda Spinks


Latest School Events

School Closed15Feb2025

Back to School today24Feb2025

World Book Day06Mar2025

Careers Week10Mar2025

Coffee morning21Mar2025

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

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